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Also you may want to check out a variety of links related to Hinduism at Mr. Donn's site.
You may scroll down the page to where it says "For Kids" for some good sites.
I really liked the Hindu kids website it really gets you intot he depth of the religion, it is cool the the storys seem so courios, they make you want to be there to see it. I thought that it was a great website fun-packed with many deatails and other cool information like about saints and other things. it would be nice though, If they could have maybe some audio in the hole thing, it would give it what it needs to really make a kid listen to it and like it. But again I loved it and can't wait to learn more.
ReplyDeleteI like the Hindu Kids website. I found it really interesting how they created their writing, can't wait to learn more about the Hindus
ReplyDeleteI like the hindukids website because it has many facts and many diffrent games to help you learn more about Hinduism
ReplyDeletei liked how in the glossery it had all the hindu words the defintion
ReplyDeleteI agree with dodson 137, This wesite is filled with great information. This will really help me on the India unit. I also agree when dodson137 said it might need some audio, that would be awesome! One fact i just learned from Hindukids.com is that the Hindus have a lot of festivals! Some examples of their festivals are Holi, Krishnaastami, and Mahaveer. But there are pleanty more.:)
ReplyDeleteI saw some of the Hindu gods, they were fascinating. I also saw that they believe in planets. Although the games were not that good for some reason.
ReplyDeletei really liked the gods and doodness games it ws really fun
ReplyDeleteWhat I think is cool about ancient India is the way that they lived their life style.
ReplyDeletei really liked how it talked all about the hindu religion.
ReplyDeletei agree with dodson137 but i didn't know that the people who are Hindu have a morning prayer and the parts of the hand even represent gods and goddesses
ReplyDeleteThis is a really cool website.i learned alot but i mostly learned about praying.it tells you how and when they pray.
ReplyDeleteI learned from the Hindu kids website, that the Hindus went to several festivals, and one of them is the "Buddha."
ReplyDeletethe website is so fun!the puzzle game is fun and the other things get you to learn about their culture and religion. i really liked it.
ReplyDeleteI learned that, Holi or Holikotsava is a festival that occurs around March and is celebrated over two days. On the evening of the first day bonfires are lit, normally in a public place. On the second day people throw coloured powder and water at each other. The first day is Holi proper, the second day is called Dhuleti or Rangapanchami (Ranga-colour, Panchami=fifth day). Rangapanchami was originally the fifth day as the festival was earlier spread over five days and so it was called Rangapanchami because in earlier times it was celebrated till the fifth day of the fortnight. I also learned that, Sri-Ramnavami is dedicated to the memory of Lord Rama. It occurs on the ninth day (navami). The festival commemorates the birth of Rama who is remembered for his preperous and righteous reign. Ramrajya (the reign of Rama) has become synonymous with a period of peace and prosperity. Mahatma Gandhi also used this term to describe how, according to him, India should be after independence.
ReplyDeletei liked learning the alphabet and they different things that are in it
ReplyDeleteThe hindukids website teaches you so much its amazing from the alphabet to peoples lives this is the place to go for hindu religion I couldn't know all this stuff in a lifetime,really this site is full of knowledge I learned so many new things all the avatars stories are so intresting. And they have so many festivals to attend WOW!!! I just can't believe hindus have so many pieces to thier religion...I love it so much I cant wai to learn more!
ReplyDeleteWow i can't begin to tell you how much i learned. i looked at the glossary under the learn section and i saw that the hindu language is very different from my language and its confusing to me just as english would be confusing to them. i also learned that the tiger is the national animal, the lotus is the national flower, the peacock is the national bird, rupees is the national currency, mango is the national fruit, and banyans are the national trees of india. This doesn't relate to what i learned about the hindu religion but i agree with dodson137 that it would be cool if the site had audio because then the site would be even more fun than it already is!!!
ReplyDeleteThis is a great website! It has a lot of info on the religion. It has a lot of info on the tilaka, a thing that Hindus put on their forehead thats usually red.
ReplyDeleteI agree with dodson 137, because the only audio i heard was a prayer that it was showing. But mostly the site is great.
The hindu kids website is so fun because you are reading, learning, and having fun at the same time. I really liked this website.
ReplyDeleteSo far we've learned a lot about the Hindu religion.....but ithink it would be cool to learn more about the Budha....I really think that hes cool....dodson141 is out.....Bye for now!
ReplyDeleteI really liked the hindukids website it was really fun and filled with information. I learned that in the the hindu alphabet each letter stands for something special about their religion and their holy lives. The site teaches me a lot about hinduism and I enjoyed visiting it.
ReplyDeletei liked this website it really made me think about how indain people lived ,respested their religon. this website is very very very cool to look at and to learn about the hindu religon.
ReplyDeleteI liked this site a lot I learned every thing in this site like Holi is a celeberation of the color of spring.
ReplyDeleteI like the Hindu kids with dodson137. It tells a lot of neat facts.
ReplyDeleteI love the Hindu kids site it is fun . I like how in the prayer section the noises tell you what the prayer sounds like ( like The Aum Prayer), So you don,t have to guess what it sounds like. I also think it is neat how the joining of the hands of the meeting of the two people mean the self actully meeting itself, other then some people see it as just prayer hands. This site is really interesting and it is stuffed with fun Stories,Games, and lots of Hindu info!
ReplyDeleteThe Hindu kids website was fun and interesting. I learned that they had a alphabet. It was kind of like our's. But a little different.
ReplyDeletethe morning prayer thing on Hindu Kids was pretty cool I think that it's cool that different parts of the hand represent a different gods or godess.Also it's cool that you get to hear the person praying.I can't wait to learn more about the different gods and godesses.I actually want to learn more about the aceeint world than anything else.Also it's interesting to learn about the reliogions of the world and how they started.Bye.
ReplyDeleteThe Hindu's believe a god named Brihaspti is the protector of the universe. He also grants children Fatherhood and a education. Prett cool huh?
ReplyDeletei like that the website is very colorful and you laern all that stuff like what they did before, in the middle, after they pray.one thing that i learn was that in the idian alphabet each letter stands for somthing in there country and they cant change what it stands for. each thing that thing that the letter stands for the letter sounds like that. it makes it easyer to remeber and how to say it the right.none of the letters have the same thing to remeber.none of the letters sound like each other. i like this website its full of information.i also agree with dodson137 that the website gets you in to the depth of the history and the religion.
ReplyDeleteI agree with dodson137 I enjot the storys adn their very cool and the website is created very well but they could add mabye soem audio so that you wach the whole thing but its still a cool website
ReplyDeleteI thought the part of the website about the Hindu religion was cool. Its really interesting to learn about other cultures. In my opinion, the most interesting thing is that they believe that the gods are different faces of Brahman.
ReplyDeleteI also liked the Hindu kids website it gets in depth with the Hindu religion as dodson137 said. I liked the section where you got to see what each of the gods and goddess looked like. Also by clicking on the pictures on the side you could put flowers on them and also offer a coconut to the gods and goddess.
ReplyDeleteI learned that in India there is 17 major langusges. Hinduism, Budism, Sikhisn, Jainism Islam and Christianity are the religions in India.India's population is 846 Million and counting i guess thats a good reason the area of India is 3.3 Million square feet.
ReplyDeleteI learned about the good rules about Drahma and other good things. I really like the website.
ReplyDeleteI learned that every morning, one sould have a respectful look at ones hand which symboizes honest labor.
ReplyDeletei played the game puzzle slices it was really fun i knew that it would be weird because they show you where the puzzle peices go.i thought it was an awsome game and i liked the parts on gods and goddeses most because that was also fun to learn about in class
ReplyDeleteI though it was interesting how the indians had different signs they would paint on their head for different religous reasons.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you dodson 137. I also believe that a kid would love the almost circus theme. It has so much information and written in such an interactive fun way. A truly fun website
ReplyDeleteI think this website is very fun and also is a great place for people to learn about India.
ReplyDeleteThe Hindu Kids website gave me alot of information on the Hindu religion the Hindu Alphabet game thing gave me alot of different religions that i didn't know about.
ReplyDeletei learned that a fulhar is a garland of flowers.
ReplyDeleteI thought Hindu Kids was a very interesting website. I learned about the alphabet the Hindu way and learned about Yama(good principles),Niyam( good rules).
ReplyDeleteI like how yo can go to the website and who you can go to one section and see what it is about.Then yu can go in and learn alot of things on each setion. I went in to godesess and gods and learn alot on gods.This is great website to go to.
ReplyDeleteI enjoy the hindukids website. Something i didnt know about Hinduism is that elaphants are a big thing to them. Also i didnt know about the god being like half elaphant and half human its pretty interesting. Thanks for teaching me so much.
ReplyDeleteI liked the Hindu Kids website because it teaches you about Hinduisim by stories, pictures, games and more. I went to gods and godesess because that interested me the most. This was a information website to use for Hinduisim. Dodson 144 said that there were 17 different types of launguages in Hindu launguage I also thought that was interesting. Well I will see you all in History Class! Goodbye History Lovers!
ReplyDeleteI liked the story of how ganesh and how he got his elephant head.Because ever sience i was little i'ved loved elephants.ithink it would be awesometo have the head of an elehant and still be a god.
ReplyDeleteThis website was very interesting. I leatn that to pray respectfuly you have to grab hands with another person to show that you love the gods and godesses. I thought this website would be fun to teach little kids about the Hindu beliefs.
ReplyDeleteI really like that web site that you gave use for home work like one thing i learned was that the queen that wore an ocean for clothes!!!
ReplyDeleteI really liked the hindukids website because it had a lot of information and its perfect for kids.If you were doing a project or something on hinduisum this would be the perfect website.
ReplyDeletei have learned that the hindu culture is polytheistic and that they have a social class.
ReplyDeleteI learned that namaska is a greeting,and many gods were planets.
ReplyDeleteIndias National Anthem Is "Jon Gana Mana".
ReplyDeleteHindukids taught me about the Hindu gods.
ReplyDeleteI think that the Hindukids site was very informative. There are so many things I learned. The most interesting thing that I learned is that Hindus celebrated many festivals. They celebrated Yugaandi, Krishnaastami, Manashivaratri, Manaveer, Rakhi, Buddha,and Holi. Hindus also celebrated Navami, Ganesha Chaturthi, Vijaya Dashami, and Diwali.
ReplyDeletei lean that ganesha is agod with a elephant trunk.
ReplyDeletekrishna was one of the eight gods.
ReplyDeleteganesha was a god with an elepghant trunk.
ReplyDeleteKali is another name for Durga!!
ReplyDeletehindus have many different festivals.
ReplyDeleteholi is a hindu festival.
ReplyDeletelaxmi is a godess of generosity.
ReplyDeleteThe Ramayana is a hindu storie
ReplyDeleteHindus pray every morning.
ReplyDeleteThank you all for your aggrement some of your commennents I didn't know I love the fact you guys acknowleged me and I reallly like your ideas but just to say I LOVE HISTORY!
ReplyDeleteI learned that hindu religion is the third largest in the world.I agree with dodson137 some audio would have made it a lot better
ReplyDeleteI learned that the Hindu people didn't even eat animal products with the exception of milk. That would be so dificult.
ReplyDeleteI agree with dodson105 i also think that it is cool that for every letter of our alphabet it stands for something different in the hindu alphabet.For example x stands for hitiji (horizen) and m stands for mandir (the hindu house of god).KEEP POSTING FUN SITES LIKE THAT!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI learned that Ekadashi is the holy day of fasting. This website is great! Its really fun and I love the games.
ReplyDeleteI have learned that many festivals and holidays are inspired by differant gods and goddeses. I also didnt know about what dodson105 said about each english letter meaning a word in the hindu a;phabet.
ReplyDeletewhoa! the different Dhrama is like learning 12 different rules, no stealing, patience, a lot R like the ten commandments so i guess this religon to had some bases like the religons. i want a ten commandments!
ReplyDeleteI was just looking and i found something that was really cool. I learned that one of the hindu partys is called Mahashivaratri. This as we know is associated with Shiva - the Lord of Mount Kailas who is portrayed as the Destroyer in the Hindu trinity (trimurti) along with Brahma (the Creator) and Vishnu (the Preserver). Shiva is also known as Nataraja or Nateswara (Lord of dance). Shiva is characterised by an angry temperament and we are told has a third eye on his forehead that emits fire if opened. The unfortunate Madana who dared disturb Shiva's meditation was reduced to ashes when Shiva opened his third eye, enraged by Madana's having disturbed his Tapasya (meditation). I also learned that The 14th Day of the dark half of Aashwayuja to the 2nd day of bright half of Kaartik
ReplyDeleteIf there is one occasion which is all joy and all jubilation for one and all - the young and the old, men and women - for the entire Hindu world, it is Deepaavali - the Festival of Lights. Even the humblest of huts will be lighted by a row of earthern lamps. Crackers resound and light up the earth and the sky. The faces of boys and girls flow with a rare charm in their dazzling hues and colors. Illumination - Deepotsavas - in temples and all sacred places of worship and one the banks of rivers symbolize the scattering of spiritual radiance all round from these holy centres. The radiant sight of everybody adorned with new and bright clothes, especially ladies decorated with the best of ornaments, captures the social mood at its happiest. and last but not least, The first day of the year according to the National Calendar of Bharat (in some parts, the Shalivahana Shaka and in the rest, the Vikrama Samvat - corresponding to the era beginning 78 A.D. and 57 B.C. respectively) is significant both for its historical import and for the advent of bountiful nature. The day falls in the beginning of spring - Vasanta Ritu - When the Goddess of Nature gets bedecked as a divine bride.
The day aptly carries the assurance to human life, "If winter comes, can spring be far behind?" It fills the human spirit with optimism and hope about one's future and injects into him courage and confidence in facing the trials and tribulations of life - both individual and national.
I think it is amazing how about 950,000,000 people who practice the Hindu religion. But there are still more people who are non-religious people.there are over 1,000,000,000 people who are non religious.
ReplyDeletethe story of Diwali the festival of lights was very interesting ,but most of all , i think i like seeing people flying on giant pidgins
ReplyDeleteHinduism is an interesting religion.
ReplyDeletei think hindus are confusing with the monotheistic and polythistic with the whole dharam
ReplyDeletethey have many gods that are all many diferent faces of brahman
ReplyDeleteHindus believe in a Caste system.
ReplyDeletehindus believe in the caste system.
ReplyDeletehindus believe in samsara
ReplyDeleteI liked the Wright Brothers expodition adventere thing in the smithsonian.