I'm glad you're here! Check out some great websites for activities and items of interest that relate to ancient history, and leave some comments too!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Place to Go for Ancient India!

This first site is on the ancient civilization of Mohenjo-Daro. It's a fun site to use!


The second site is the British Museum site for ancient India. Explore all of it!



  1. The Idea of putting the sites on the blog is great. it is good to knok I don't have to wait the next day to get the assignments the next day. this will also make a lifesaver when someone is forgetting the site or assignments It could mean points they did not have without this. I can't wait to use this agaian, and again, and again.I thind the bbc site is better cause it is more interactive it helps you to realy understand everything there is from the gepgraphy and what purpose it serves and to the artifacts and where they get put into. The british musem is good though it talks alot more specific on their needs and belifes,I say they should put more things like the artifactsand there inventions that make a big difference in how they live they sould specify how much impact it made. They are both good they are information packed and very fun to read but my persoal favorite is the bbc.

  2. i really liked the write heiroglyphics game....... it was really cool.........dodson141 is out.......

  3. hey i like the tomb adventure game

  4. This place is so cool

  5. This site is fun to play on and you learn while playing.

  6. hey Miss Dodson, i really like thoes pictures. Did tou take them?

  7. I played sum games they were so fun!!!!! ttyl

  8. I enjoyed learnig about Mohenjo-Daro, as I am currently working on it now (:. It is very interesting to me how much our society has taken from these ancient civilazitions.

  9. i really like this website it is very fun i really like the games too!!

  10. The ancient egypt british museum sight was really fun and filled with many facts. I learned many new pieces of information and really enjoyed exploring the sight.

  11. I really liked the Rome Chariot Racer. It was cool. I can't wait untill we learn about the Romans. I have seen many movies about Rome.

  12. I like learning about different places in the world.

  13. Hey,mrs.Dodson i really enjoy the cite for Ancient Egypt I HOPE I WENT ON THE RIGHT ONE!!! but it was cool seeing the video instead of just reading it. You have some great ideas!!!

  14. I found it interesting that the people of Mohenjo-Daro use drains, just like we use them today. They also wear necklaces, and play with dolls, and figurines like we do.

  15. Hey i like what dodson137 wrote, i think it is smart to get assignment online instead of the next day. Also there are a lot of cool facts and games. so far i liked learning about the pharaohs of ancient Egypt.

  16. I thought that it was pretty cool that chistianity was introduced to India right inbetween 100B.C.E., and 100B.C.E..

  17. I really liked it it was like u were really on the adventure with him

  18. I learned a lot about Mohenjo-Daro and in a very fun way that i will never forget.I like how they showed use in a movie yet a interactive way. I loved it.

  19. The bbc site helps me understand ancient India better. I dont enjoy reading very much, this has a person talking,and moving so its like im watching tv but learing at the same time! It is very intersting to look at this site because in comparisan of us living now, ancient India is so much different. This ancient India unit sounds pretty fun to me!:)

  20. I really liked the tomb adventure game because it had a lot of important facts on Egypt. Like how there is a stone outside of the tomb were a mummy is buried and that it tells important things about the mummy. It also was very cool because it showed you some of the basic hyrogliphics. So when I played the person in the tomb was a priest. Also I learned that before the prist were two wooden dogs that are the gaurdens of the sarcophacus. I loved this game and I hope you will learn new things and love it as much as i do.

  21. Learning about ancient Egypt was great. I learned many new things. I have a friend in 5th grade this year and i told her about how i learned about egypt and she can't wait. I also learned many new vocabulary words that will help me undersand other cultures and countries.

  22. I loved some of the games. Some of the games were really funny and made me lol. Learning about the Jewish reiligin made me understand my religin better!!!!

  23. Just to listen that German tour guide made it more interesting including the facts that came with it.

  24. I loved exploring the brittish mueseum site

  25. I liked the way they told the stories in the hindu kids website.My favorite was the one about Boudha.

  26. These sites are both awesome. The british museum site is very organized and stuffed with info.

  27. i really enjoyed exploring the brittish museum site for both Egypt and India.

  28. the live of Indians are very fun and i enjoy a lot of the games. also i like the way of dharma.

  29. They wash feet before praying in a palles.

  30. i agree with dodson117 the games are really fun and the dhrama was really cute.i really like the hindukids weasite that is cartoony and stuffed with information.i cant really choose what website is better i think that they are all very cool. im so happy i got all of theese websites.

  31. Hi Mrs. Dodson I decided to get on the blog to play a few gams and so I think everyone should try the Mummy's Tomb because you have to figure out the code to get to the mummy's tomb. Everyone should really try it. It's so much fun!

  32. I like the bbc site because i think that the guy is funny and you learn alot. not only is it educational but i had fun on it which wanted me to continue playing and learning even more! i particularly like the part where its like your walking in ancient mohenjodaro. you get to see what the houses, sewage system, roads, well and more were like back then in mohenjodaro.

  33. Again I speak OF my opinion it is this time specificly on The british musem site it is o.k. I love the fact it says about everything there is as to there daily lives and basic needs It is great that I get to learn so much about these different but alike cultures and areas It is also great that I get to learn so much adding on to what I already know I love when people talk to me and agree with me I love to see when people dissagree to it can again build on to my knowledge I am loving history and will continue too I say that if you see this blog and you see this comment And you also go to walkersville Middle school and you don't take history or you are just starting kyou are going to love it. I love you all history lovers!!!
