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Wednesday, May 13, 2009


You have learned about the ancient Greek philosopher, Socrates. Watch the following video, and then respond to these questions: Do you admire him, or do you think he was a fool? Explain why. Is there something that you would take the "ultimate" stand on like Socrates did? Explain your thoughts. What "lesson" did Socrates try to teach people when he made his decision to die?


  1. I know he was trying to get people to speak up and tell the truth, but I think he was a fool for dying for it!! That's going tooooooo far!
    I can't think of anything I would do that for.

  2. I admire his courge. He doing what he belives in .Going the oppisite direction .So he should be admired for going extra mile to show his rights .Which was dying .It is a good reason too

  3. I think Socrates was sort of both. He was like half Confucius because he was trying to teach people the right way with his ideas and philosophies to people and correct them to live the right life. But he was also half goof-off because he killed himself because he didn't want to live up for what he believed in. I guess I admire him more than think he was a fool. He was also teaching people a lesson too, and that is that you shouldn't believe in something you'd rather die for, I mean why think something is true when you'd rather kill yourslef than agree with yourself. That's just being stupid. So Socrates DID teach a lesson, but people probably just didn't see that maybe. I guess if I was believing in something I'd rather die for I wouldn't choose to drink poison and then die in five seconds!!! I would choose to live for what I still think was wrong.

  4. I disagree with you, Dodson8, I think instead of being proven wrong, he is proven himself right. Say he said "fine i will stop teaching the young people if you let me free" he would be hippocratic, plus we would not have all of his great work, we would not even be discussing about him right now, i think it was most wise to not except defeat by drinking the poison.

  5. He should get people to speak up and tell the truth. But I agree with Dodson8 when they said it is going to far.Bbecause it is! So I kind of think he is a fool and a little bit of a hero. But why did he die?? well bye!

  6. I believe he did the right thing. He was firm with his beliefs, not one of those wishy-washy people who was out to impress others. He took a stand, and knew that in the end the people would see how important it is to stay with what you believe is right. He did NOT BY ANY MEANS go too far. You can never go too far when you're fighting for what you believe is right.

  7. i think that he was trying to prove his pounit by yelling and getting in everyone bizzness but i think that he whent just a litte to far with the plan if pepol dont relly like the plane the i think that he should of stoped there.i dont think you should risk your life for just a silly idea.

  8. i think that he did the right thing because he was showing and setting an example to people that you should be true to yourself and he was just trying t do the right thing...but...on the other hand i do sort of agree with dodson8 he did take it a little to far.i i was socrates i wouldn't of did it because life is very important

  9. i think he was a fool for drinking the poison because he could have argued the sentence he was given

  10. I for one agree with Dodson15. Though I still think he's sort of both because when he said from the HA text, "It's hurting you more than its hurting me!"

  11. I think that Socrates was brave to drink the poison because he could have just stopped questioning people the way he did but he chose to die rather than not speak his mind. Most of the people that he questinoned were probably really relieved (I know that I would be!) that he was dead. If it weren't for him drinking the poison hemlock voluntarily we wouldn't have to learn about him, but it's still interesting that he would go out on to the streets and randomly question people about why they were upset at somebody. Socrates sounds like a really interesting and smart person, even though the questioning would probably REALLY get on my nerves! When I was typing this I was listneing to the song 4 minutes, that was probably what Socrates was thinking in hsi last 4 minutes that he was alive! I don't think that this kind of music was invented then, though! HA HA HA!
    DODSON12 OUT!!!

  12. I think that he was not vary smart to have died for that. I could of gust fight intell they give up. he could of also tried to prove his point. I also think that it was a good idea because he could ofdied to just just make a point and once he was deid people probly thought about it and them belevied him.

  13. I think he was a fool. He shouldnt of have drank the poison he should have argued and kept speaking his mind.I think that people should speak their mind no matter what everybody else says and not be judged by what they say.

  14. I think socrates was a true and brave man he stood up for what he belved in like bodah and he did not leet other people control his life it takes a true man to die for what he belives in like dodson 24 said if he did not die we whould not know who he was.

  15. Socrates died for the truth! How much more heroic could a man be?! He is sooooooooo cool! I wish that I could have met him (even though he would probably get really annoying after a while) so that I could know what was going through his mind when he was sentenced to die.
    DODSON12 OUT!!!

  16. I admire Socrates for taking a stand on what he truly belives in. Besides, if he hadn't drank the poison hemlock we probably wouldn't have the knowlege of his philosophy. There is only one thing I'd take a stand on like he did: animal abuse. Although, I wouldn't DIE for it!

  17. I agree with dodson12 because he was brave to drink the poison. I think he was also sort of both too because he was trying to teach ideas and pilosopies to peolpe like Confucious did.

  18. i agree with dodson 12 he is a cool man! and right on to him! SPEAK THE TRUTH!

  19. I think Socrates was a great man because he was trying to show the world a different view of things. He should not have been killed for expressing his ideas and opinions. He was very brave and courageous for drinking the poison and not really getting mad. He was a great person and was killed for no reason. He didn't want to change his ways. He should have been able to express his opinions and ideas without being killed.
    So he was a hero.

  20. i think that socrates is a great man.. for dieing in what he bealives in, i mean dieing is a little bit to much but theres ahlot i would die for... lyk dodson 2 i'd die for animal abuse to stop and i'd also die for a few people in my life but i mean he's couragous and i admire that in a person, he's like a hero in history sorta

  21. I admire him because because he died on his will but he didnt want to stop questioning. socrates tried to teach people that you should not stop doing what you belive in just because someone says so.

  22. socrates was very brave for drinking the poison and not getting mad. i think that if socrates were here right now he could tell us why he just didnt stop talking about his philosophies but to just drink the hemlock.i think he was a hero (not like batman or superman or any kind of hero)he was like a greek hero . i think the soilders who fight a war like in iran and afganastan are risking their lifes for somthing that is important to them weather it is their family or the usa are very brave like socrates was . Dodson35 saying bye!!!

  23. Socrates was a brave man!!!! Confucius would be part impressed part disappointed. He would be impressed because he tried to teach people but he also killed himself to prove his point. Confucius would be disappointed because he actually spoke his mind and that shows strength in a man. It was part good part bad that he died. Good, so we could learn about him. Bad, HE GAVE UP HIS LIFE!! HE DIDN'T EVEN HAVE ANY DECEDENTS!!!!!!!! (At least not that we have known of...) Socrates was a hero, a TRUE hero. He should of had credit for his work, instead of KILLING him!!!! The Greeks had no right to kill a man who had knowledge, great knowledge! Every country should have a free right of speech. It is our human nature, from great hominids to the end of human time, it will be our nature to talk freely. We, Americans have lived in a free country, a free country where you are able to do anything but break the law, the simple laws. But people still do it. Socrates broke Greek's secret law and every one's law back then... to speak freely, like we do. Now most people take our lives for granite, what if you did not want to play a game with your neighbor, but your neighbor's mom says you have to, you could not say you didn't want to play! Now wouldn't that be bad? YEA!!!!!!! This was life for Socrates and many others in the ancient world.

  24. I think that Socrates was a true hero, he was very brave to express his beliefs. Unlike Socrates, Confusious would've told him to keep his mouth closed, and listen to his elders. Socrates also was a firm believer, because he would rather die, than to keep his thoughts to himself. So I think that he was a true hero for dying for his beliefs.

  25. I beleive that socrates was a hero for standing up for what he believed in and i admire a person who would rather die than to stop spreading what he thinks is right.

  26. i think that we should honor socrates for what he did because he did for what he belived in but i also think that it was sort of a stupid move to drink the poisin because if i were socrates i would not of dranken the poisin because i would not want to give my life up just to speak my mind mabey i would for animal rights

  27. i think that he was a hero because he stood up for his belifs

  28. i think that socrates was smart, because socrates stood up for what he believed in. If he were to give up, and not show his people what he was made of, we wouldn't be studying him today. Even though he gave his life away, he gave it for something he believed in. I think he was a great guy. There should be a special holiday for this guy!

  29. I believe that Socrates was a wise man. A wise philospher. I honor him for his bravery. He would rather die than shut his mouth... not a lot of people would do that, but yet again a person with courage is able to do anything. I think Socrates wanted to teach the young that anybody who is older than them dosent mean their wiser and smarter.

  30. i think taht socrates was brave for giving his life away by drinking the poison

  31. I agree with dodson17 he is brave for sacrificing his life, although that is something that i would never do because i enjoy my life and having friends and my family.but why would he want to sacrifice his own life i mean why would anybody want to do that didnt he enjoy his life family and friends?But he is not a fool to me.


  32. I think that socrates was a hero fo standing up for what he believed in.
    I think that he also was a fool for dying for what he believed in. He went a little bit to far with his point

  33. i agree with dodson26 socrates was a hero and i think he did the right thing! if you belive in something that much you would do anything to get you point across i bet if i was there and saw him die i would start beliving in his faith well i dont think he was a fool at all!!!

  34. i agree with dodson 1 because he wanted to get his point across but dying for it........ thats one risk i don't want to take!!!!! lolzzzz. i probably would tell them i would belive in theres but know in side my heart what i really belived in!!!!!!! well got to go my brownies are almost done!!!!! byes from dodson 64!!!!! 333333333333333333333333333333333-

  35. i think that socrates was a hero. i admire that socrates would give up his life to speak his mind and not let other peole tell him what to do. socrates was an amazing philosopher. i bet if he didnt die nobody wouldnt even care about him at all he wouldnt be as special. its like a bully at school telling you what to do and hurting you and then finally you stand up and tell someone about it. that was just like socrates. that is why i belive socrates is a hero.

  36. he was a fool for killing him self instead of not teaching any more.

  37. socrates was a great man with great wise sayings so I'm saying he is a hero but I also think he's a fool. One or the other why did he die?????????

  38. i thought that socrates was a really smart man and was very wise. but to take to a point to were he would kill himself just to prove a point.i thought he was nuts and out of his mind.

  39. First I think Socrates was a great man - hero I'm not sure - fool, definately not. Questioning the world around you to better see the intent and outcome of events is very wise.

    He would be killed if he didnt' kill himself, so why not.

    Killer activity.
